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Cavendish Cancer Care are a Sheffield based charity that give specialist treatment to people affected by cancer. Cavendish Cancer Care believes that people affected by cancer have individual needs that cannot always be fully addressed by their health care providers and social support networks. They offer a place for people to go to talk, to get physical and emotional support and to help them deal with the way cancer has affected them and their life. Cavendish Cancer Care is an independent local charity established over 25 years ago giving free emotional support to people affected by cancer in Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.


We plan to raise over £500 through our event for Cavendish Cancer Care. Here's how your donations can help:

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£689,415 is the cost of providing support throughout the year



£360 the cost of a full package of care for one person



£11 buys supplies for an art therapy session to help a child come to terms with their parents’ cancer diagnosis



£27 provides a cancer patient with a session of counselling to reduce their stress, anxiety and fear





Cavendish Cancer Care relies heavily on donations, as only 4% of their income is from the NHS. 

Last year, the charity provided over 1900 people with life changing support: 1212 of these were patients, and 477 were family members. 

If you'd like to donate, head to the link above, or to our gofundme page where all proceeds are given to Cavendish Cancer Care.

You can make a difference. 



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